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  1. 怎样用英语介绍一些小吃?
  2. 中国传统美食英语介绍50词?
  3. 用英文介绍美食锅巴菜?
  4. 中国各个省的美食用英语怎么说?


驴打滚 Fried Chop Rice Cake艾窝窝 Aiwowo (Steamed Rice Cakes with Sweet Stuffing)Fried Liver 炒肝豌豆黄 PeaCake炸麻球 Deep-Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame 糖醋排骨 sweet and sour spareribs 糖耳朵 Fried sugar cake炸酱面Noodles with Bean Paste爆肚Quick-Fried TripeMung Bean Milk 豆汁这些差不多了:)我吃过也给客户介绍过他们也都很喜欢~



1、麻辣烫 Spicy Hot Pot / Sichuan Hot Pot

☆ 麻辣烫是起源于四川的传统特色小吃。


Spicy hot pot is a traditional snack originating from Sichuan.

☆ 麻辣烫的精髓在于汤料,让人闻起来流口水,吃起来意犹未尽。


The spirit of spicy hot pot is the soup stock, so it ***ells drooling and tastes delicious.

☆ 在麻辣烫中,你可以加入易熟的肉类,也可以加入蔬菜,可选的品种非常多。

In a spicy hot pot, you can add cooked meat or vegetables. There are many kinds of choices.

Different countries h***e different food.In China ,there are many kinds of traditional food,like seafood,In Spring Festival ,we usually eat dumplings ,There are cabbages and meat in it.some of them are broccoli,and others are leeks.In China ,every family likes dumplings very much ,Eating dumplings is also a important costom .Chinese people think it brings good luck


pan cake soup. it is a kind of traditional breakfast in china. people in the north of china like to eat it.


宫保鸡丁 - Kung Pao Chicken (Sichuan Province)

烤鸭 - Peking Duck (Beijing)

麻婆豆腐 - Mapo Tofu (Sichuan Province)

汤包 - Soup Dumplings (Shanghai)

糖醋鱼 - Sweet and Sour Fish (Zhejiang Province)

肉夹馍 - Roujiamo (Shaanxi Province)

酸辣汤 - Hot and Sour Soup (Sichuan Province)

羊肉泡馍 - Yangrou Paomo (Shaanxi Province)

豆花 - Douhua (Guangdong Province)

烤串 - Kebabs (Xinjiang Province)

烤肉 - Barbecue (Inner Mongolia)

龙虾 - Lobster (Jiangsu Province)

鲍鱼 - Abalone (Shandong Province)

饺子 - Dumplings (Liaoning Province)

粽子 - Zongzi (Zhejiang Province)
