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  1. 介绍一种西方美食,英文作文?
  2. 介绍美食英语?
  3. 用8句英文介绍传统美食?
  4. 伦敦美食英文介绍?




Turducken is the most creative American native food. Some Americans also add some melted cheese products to their tastes.

This dish is usually eaten in some grand festivals in the United States, like the National Day of the United States (July 4 every year), Thanksgiving, Christmas.



Gourmet food is delicious food, with expensive delicacies and cheap street snacks.

Good food is not just the food on the table. It also includes leisure snacks, biscuits, cakes, sugar, candied fruit, dried fruit, meat food, tea brewing and other products, each with its own fl***or, which can be called delicious food.


介绍美食的英语有很多,如美味的Delicious ,可口的Good to eat ,香辣的Alright.,香脆的Crispy ,酸甜可口的Sweet and sour,软糯的Soft waxy 等等


Chinese cuisine can be divided into eight main regional branches:

Sichuan, with characteristic rich and spicy

Shandong, which is particular in its selection of ingredients for dishes.

Suzhou, its carefully presented steamed crucian carp

Guangdong, with distinctive sweet and crispy dishes.

Fujian, famed for Buddha Jumps Over the Wall


London's famous cuisine

During the summer vacation, I will fly to London with my parents, and then we will go to see Tower Bridge. Tower bridge is a great building with a long history. London is also famous for tower bridges, so every year millions of tourists come here.

We will stay there for five days, I believe we can enjoy ourselves, and then we will le***e London for my uncle's house. He has a ***all house there. Although he is single, he is a good cook.

When we visit him, he always cooks us a delicious meal. He is also a TV reporter, so his English is very good. "I'm proud of you.

I always say to him that we'll stay there for a week at the end, we'll fly home, and I'm looking forward to a good time.


